We are
An English-speaking, academic and social educational community for all people interested in psychedelic science and the potential applications of psychedelics in medicine, therapy, and human development.
We are part of a global network of independent uniMIND Journal Clubs, supported by MIND Foundation.
We meet regularly to discuss impactful research in the multidisciplinary field of psychedelic science, at the intersection of neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology, philosophy, and more!
Academic Journal Club
Our monthly Journal Club meetings provide a warm and structured environment to learn more about the latest developments in the field of psychedelics and discuss the specifics of a given topic, with the presented papers shared in advance to facilitate a fruitful discussion.
Social Events
Our social events are places to meet like-minded individuals, without a monthly academic focus. We aim to provide a friendly introduction to people interested in learning more about psychedelics or psychedelic research, or just to meet the local scene.
Please come along just to talk, listen, or present a paper if you would like.
We are always looking for new speakers and curious minds!
Any level of knowledge is welcome at our meetings :)
Links to our Instagram and WhatsApp community can be found at the bottom of this page or in the 'Contact Us' tab